
  • 군사영어
    (Military English)
  • 김호용 , 홍수미
  • 18,000원
  • 출간일 : 2013-10-25
  • ISBN : 978-89-8458-283-5
  • 『군사영어』는 영문법의 기초를 습득하면서, 영어에 자신감을 가질 수 있도록 하고, 추가적인 어휘력을 겸비하며, 군사영어에 기초부터 접근, 현장 실무영어를 구사할 수 있도록 구성되어 있다.

PARTⅠ. Basic Grammar
1. Noun (명사)
2. Articles (관사)
3. Pronouns (대명사)
4. Modifiers (수식언)
5. Comparison (비교)
6. Adverbs (부사)
7. Conjunction (접속사)
8. Prepositions (전치사)
9. 관계대명사?관계부사
10. Verbs (동사)
11. Tenses (시제)
12. Infinitives (부정사)
13. Gerund (동명사)
14. Participles (분사)
15. Passive Voice (수동태)
16. Auxiliaries (조동사)
17. Subjunctive Mood (가정법)

PARTⅡ. Basic Military Terms
1. military unit
2. Branches
3. Ranks
4, Positions
5. Tactics words
6. Offensive Operations
7. Defensive Operations
8. Rifle Training
9. Squad Drill
10. Map Reading
11. Camp Activity
12. Duty & Order
13. Unit & Quarter Inspection

PARTⅢ Military sentence
1. Squad Drill2. Firing Practice
3. Field Training
4. Combat Training
5. Onganization and weapons of an infantry battalion
6. Tactical Control Measures
7. Fundamentals of the offense
8. Reconnaissancs in force and coordinated attack
9. Exploitation pursuit
10. Penetration and frontal attack
11. Envelopment
12. Fundamentals of the defense
13. Retrograde operation

PART Ⅳ Glossary
A ~ Z
PART Ⅴ Abbreviation
A ~ Z